Our signature hand-made bouquet with red roses is perfectly balanced with the black wrapping. This bountiful roses arrangement makes the ideal bunch for your loved ones.
Design and packaging may vary city-wise.
Perfect gift for Mothers day, Fathers day , Anniversary , Birthday, Eid etc
Ismat (verified owner) –
I have ordered from gift mix quite a few times and every time I have received best services , highly recommend them specially if you’re living abroad and wants to send some love to your loved ones in Pak
Areeba Amir (verified owner) –
Very fresh roses, On time delivery of the gifts. The essence of surprise was maintained ❤️
Muwahhid (verified owner) –
I’ve been using this service for sending gifts to loved ones in Pakistan, and it’s truly the best! Reliable, efficient, and with a wide range of options, they make every occasion special. Highly recommended for overseas Pakistanis looking to stay connected with their families back home